Thank you for your interest in joining us at The Junction 9th Annual Summer Solstice Festival on Saturday, June 20 from 11 AM to 10 PM. With an anticipated attendance of over 15,000 patrons, it's going to be bigger than ever!  Live music, an art market, food, craft, street performers + lots of fun for everyone! Celebrating the longest day of the year and the kick-off to summer, this year’s theme is a 60's retro-inspired psychedelic pop-art street party!  Think Peace, Love, and Flower Power!

- Not-for-Profit Organization: $100 + HST
- General Retail/Service: You sell general merchandise or promote a service. Does not include food or drink. $225 + HST
- Food or Drink: You sell food/drink items which festival goers can eat on the spot. $275 + HST
- Food Truck: Selling food/drink out a truck. Maximum space of 10×20-ft (200 SF). $500 + HST

Please complete the application below. Only completed applications will be considered.

DEADLINE TO APPLY: February 29, 2020.  CONTRACT AND PAYMENT DUE: March 15, 2020.

IMPORTANT! Within two weeks of receiving your application, we will send you a Contract to return with payment (and any other required forms) before March 15.
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Are you a member of The Junction BIA? Boundaries: along Dundas St W., west to Quebec Ave and east to Indian Grove. If YES, this is not the form for you! Instead, please click here for a Member Application: *
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Contact's Name (First and Last) *
Contact's Position *
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A complete description of the product being sold. Please provide as much detail as possible. We'll use this information to promote your business! *
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