Feedback for Remediation of Harmful Language

In an effort to remediate harmful or problematic language used in descriptions of resources in the University of Michigan Library catalog, we welcome suggestions to address existing language that may be exclusionary or divisive.

If there is existing harmful or problematic language used in description of resources in Library Search that you believe should be addressed, please submit your suggestions via this anonymous form. Submissions will be reviewed monthly by the DEIA Catalog Working Group and a resolution will be provided if you provide your contact information.

Please use a separate form for each suggestion.

(form revised 7/18/2024)
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Where did you encounter the offensive/harmful language?
(Please copy & paste the URL of the page you found the language on)
What is the offensive/harmful language? *
Why is this offensive/harmful language?
What language would you like to propose to replace it?
Please provide your source of the proposed updated language (if known)
Please provide your name and email if you'd like to be contacted
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