2023渥太華佛光山我愛師公三好兒童夏令營 TAG Summer Camp Registration form 

三、活動日期:2023年7/24 至7/29,共6天。
四、活動期間:週一至週六,上午9am -3pm (三好語文學習 + 才藝 + 韻律課+科學課)
五、活動費用:CAD $120元
六、午餐及點心費: CAD $30
七、線上報名:填寫Google form https://forms.gle/jFMhp9bWmcaXRug7A 或 Email ott.info@ibps.org 
九、上課方式: 實體課及線上課程(視當時政府法規)
十、注意事項:科學設計課程學員必須年滿6歲, 材料費另付$20。

Purpose of Camp: Foster Three Acts of Goodness (TAG) in IBPS campers so that they practice Doing good deeds, Speaking good words, and Thinking good thoughts.
Organizer: IBPS of Ottawa
Date: July 24 to July 29, 2023
Time: 9 AM to 3 PM, Monday to Saturday (TAG Language + Talent Training + Rhythm class + Science class)
Cost: CAD $120 (Plus an optional $20 for Science class)
Lunch and Snacks: CAD $30
Age: 4 to 12 years old (Maximum of 24 campers)
Registration: Fill out this form https://forms.gle/jFMhp9bWmcaXRug7A or email ott.info@ibps.org 

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郵件地址 Email *
姓名 Camper's Full Name *
性別 Gender *
生日 Date of Birth *
學校 / 升__ 年級 School/Grade in September *
Eg: St. Gabriel/Gr.3
家長聯絡電話  Phone Number *
E.g. 6137564321
通訊地址 Address *
緊急聯絡人姓名 Name of Emergency Contact/Relationship *
Eg: 王明/父親  MIn Wang/Father 
緊急聯絡人電話 Phone Number of Emergency Contact *
E.g. 6137564321
資訊來源 How do you hear about this camp *
夏令營費用 Camp Fee : CND $150 *
(1) 願意遵守相關夏令營課堂規定。Registered camper(s) will follow the camp rules.  (2) 依營隊業務之需要,對您所提供資之蒐集查詢、電腦處理、利用傳遞等,皆以尊重您的權益,安全維護為基礎。We may access your personal information for the purpose of providing camp services. *
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