Apron Network Liquidity Rewards Program
Thank you for the participation. Please whitelist your BSC address to be eligible for rewards.

Apron is thrilled to announce that the extension of our Liquidity Program to the Pancake Swap exchange. Started from July 7, 2021, liquidity providers on Pancake Swap will be able to gain APY at 110%.

1. Get your step-by-step instruction here: https://bit.ly/APNliquidlity 
2. Liquidity Locked.
3. fill the form: https://forms.gle/grSRgSbaFgH68eRe9

APN BEP20 contract address: 0x1fe4751d9bdabac8d90067056cb45ab6823d2c12

Wanna get latest Apron hot campaigns? Please subscribe our ann channel: https://t.me/Apron_Network1

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Please enter the Binance Smart Chain address that you are providing liquidity from. *
How much liquidity is planned to be added? *
At least 10000APN+10000APN equivalent BUSD
Please enter your email *
Type down your contact information in case of unpredictable changes.
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