!earshot Distro Volunteer Form
Please complete to the best of your knowledge, or send additional information to edds@ncra.ca.  For more info on the system, see earshot-distro.ca
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Name *
Station *
Email address *
Volunteer Interest *
Note if you want to be host !earshot-Daily , Go to this form - https://forms.gle/p6EM6d4AkZd5JMFN9
How much time (per week/month) are you interested in putting into the roles selected above
When can you start?
Feedback Information
Are there any features, tweaks, suggestions etc. that you would suggest be implemented into the !eDDS to improve the usage of the system?
Have you signed the NCRA/ANREC Volunteer Contract *
You are required to sign. Copy-paste this link into your browser - https://forms.gle/p1bDsZoUwRm7qqEM6
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