Heard About a Deal We Should Cover?
This is for They Got Acquired: https://TheyGotAcquired.com


We always appreciate tips about acquisitions, even if they're anonymous.

To qualify, deals must...

🔥 Fall between $100K - $50M (though we'll consider up to $100M)

🔥 Feature a business that's primarily online (as opposed to brick-n-mortar)

🔥 Have occurred 2017 - present

We cover all kinds of founders, including those who have bootstrapped, raised minimal funding or raised VC funding. And we're especially keen to feature more underrepresented founders.

Our goal is to redefine startup success by sharing acquisition stories that aren't typically told, those that are too "small" for traditional media yet life-changing for founders.

Alexis Grant (alexis@TheyGotAcquired.com)
Founder of They Got Acquired

Short link to this form: https://forms.gle/BXcQadLJK5y7NbJ4A

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What's the name of the company that was acquired? *
Do you know / are you willing to share an email address for the founder of the company that sold?
Link to website of the company that sold
Do you know who purchased the company? *
Do you know how much it sold for? *
How did you hear about this acquisition? *
Why do you think this deal would be interesting for our audience to learn about?
In what year did this acquisition take place? *
OPTIONAL: What's your name? (First and last, please.) You can also remain anonymous.
What's your email? (Assuming you don't need to remain anonymous.)
Anything else you want to add?
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