NEbraskaCERT March 19th CSF - Event RSVP (Online)
NOTE #1:      This registration is for the online CSF.  If you are going to be attending in-person please use the other RSVP form at

Note #2:  This is a hybrid event.  We'll be meeting at Johnny's Cafe and also using google meetup as well.  Please make sure to use the right form to RSVP for the event.

Note #3:  The in-person meeting will start at 11:30.  The online meeting will be starting at 11:45 since we'll be doing in-person networking before then.

Exercising Your Rights to Privacy
                   Bellevue University
WHO:        All Nebraska/Iowa Information Security Professionals
WHEN:     Wednesday - May 19, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm  (In-person)
                  Wednesday - May 19, 11:45 am - 1:00 pm  (Online)

WHERE:    In-Person
                 Johnny's Cafe
                 4702 South 27th Street, Omaha, NE
                  Please RSVP at
WHERE:   Online
                 Please RSVP at:
                 Meeting URL:
WHY:       To share information with like-minded professionals
HOW:       Please RSVP using the correct  google doc form for whether you'll be attending in person or online-only.  Please provide your name, company, phone and email address by Close Of Business Monday, 17 May.  If you have any issues registering please contact us at and we'll get you added to the correct list.
This year Nebraska's Data Privacy Act (NDPA) and Iowa's Consumer Protection Act (ICDPA) both took affect January 1st.  Lisa will go over what these will offer to consumers and the impact they will have on businesses.  Lisa will also cover how someone can submit a data subject request to exercise their privacy rights.

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