International Staff Week at AAB College, 13-17 May, 2024 - Registration Form
We are very pleased to invite our regional and international colleagues from partner universities, and not only, to participate in our International Staff Week 2024 which will take place at AAB College, in Prishtina, Kosovo between May 13th-17th, 2024.

The main aim of this event is to invite academic and administrative staff from the higher education institutions from different countries and provide them an opportunity to meet our staff and students, thus by exploring a different academic and cultural context! Moreover, participants will have the chance to promote their institution and network with many expected guests and representatives from other HEIs around the world!

This will be a week full of joy, cultural and social activities which will guarantee you an authentic experience at our College, our city and region. Join us and learn more about our daily life at AAB College and also share your own experiences as well! Kosovo has got a very diverse environment and a very inclusive culture, just like AAB does. Soon we will prepare a week-long social programme with cultural presentations, networking events and workshops that will give the opportunity to gain new knowledge, start discussions and networking. 

The preliminary program will be shared with everyone who registers to be part of the event.

- The registration deadline is 10th March 2024.
- Registration form:
- Language of the event is English.
- Participation in the event is free of charge but other travel and living costs need to be covered by participants themselves. If you are eligible for Erasmus+  or other types of funding, please contact International Offices at your institutions.

The event strengthens the idea of internationalization at home by maintaining and developing international cooperation at the same time. Thus, your participation would be much appreciated.

The staff at AAB College is looking forward to seeing you in Kosovo!
Email *
Name: *
Surname: *
  Contact e-mail:   
Institution: *
Country: *
Position: *
Department/Faculty at your home university? *
What type of mobility would you like to have? (if funded by Erasmus+) *
  To find out if you are eligible for Erasmus+ funding, please contact International Offices at your institutions  
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