2021 Online TMAC Registration
Thank you for your interest in registering for the Team Math Attack Contest! The teams are up to a maximum of three students, one form should be completed per person. EACH TEAM MEMBER MUST FILL OUT THIS FORM. Please look at the past contest papers to determine if the contest is a suitable difficulty for you. The contest is completely free, but please fill out this form to sign up for the competition!

All information provided in the form will be kept confidential.

The event will take place on Saturday, December 18th from 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm (first 30 minutes will be registration)
Tentative schedule: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1o092ZFInEhX1WBN-_xcM6hl4jjysgb4Fat0u4yokPIc/edit?usp=sharing

This year we'll be hosting the contest through Zoom, with a link to be shared before the date. Please make sure that your personal information is filled out correctly! Your contact information will be kept strictly confidential and will only be shared with Math Attack Society volunteers when necessary.

Share this form with this link: https://forms.gle/2DRykHYM5FnNd14q7

Contact Us:
Email: teammathattack@gmail.com
Instagram: @mathattacksociety
Website: mathattacksociety.org
Discord: https://discord.gg/f9WFgFnRwA
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Team Members
A team is comprised of 3 students currently studying at a junior high or elementary school. Please include the full name of each of your team members.

If you do not have a team or only part of a team, but would like us to group you up with others who also do not have a team, please respond accordingly on the first question.
Do you need us to put you in a team? *
Your Name (First, Last) *
Your Grade *
Name of Current School
Name of Team Member #2
Name of Team Member #3
Contact Information
In order to contact you with reminders and further information. In the event of schedule changes, we will send any new information via email.
Student's Email Address *
Parent/Guardian Email Address *
Parent/Guardian Phone *
We will need parent's contact information in the case of an emergency.
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