Apply for a YWP Publishing Mini-Grant!
Scroll to the bottom of the webpage linked below a description of the project, and if you have any questions, email
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Email *
Your Full Name *
School Name *
School City and State *
Example: Oakland, CA
Description of student publishing project *
Estimate of how much funding you'd need and what you'd need it for *
If you're not exactly sure, an estimate is fine. We'll ask for this more specifically if you're selected. This is just to help us keep track of how much of our total grant money we're using!
I affirm my school receives Title 1 funding to support school-wide programs. *
In general, a school may use Title 1 funding to operate school-wide programs if 40% or more of its students live in poverty. To check the status of your school, search for it on this website: Once you've clicked on your school's name, click "More information" at the top. Its Title I status is listed in the “School Characteristics” section of the new page.
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