Couchsurfers in Yilan Class (for applicant)
Dear all travelers,

We are very glad that you are willing to participate in our project "Couchsurfers In Yilan Class."
This project is mainly about inviting foreign travelers to visit Yilan schools in Taiwan when they are traveling in this country. It's not about teaching and lecturing, but about sharing and making friends with the students. By bringing travelers into the schools, we hope that the Taiwanese students would have a chance to meet people from different backgrounds, and would see a new world beyond their imagination. On the other hand, as for the travelers, this project provides the opportunity for you to get involved in the typical daily life of Taiwanese.

    Our whole project is built on mutual trust. We won't charge travelers nor schools anything, and we are not earning any money from this project either. This is a non-profit project, and we try to know all of our cooperators as best as we could in order to provide a quality service.

    We know that all the people who want to participate in this project are very kind, open-minded and trustworthy. However, it is necessary for us to know some more about you, so we could introduce you to the schools we cooperate with, and make both sides feel less than total strangers before you meet each other in real life.
    After you finish your profile, we will  introduce you to the schools in our project, some of the teachers might invite you.
    We really hope that "Couchsurfers In Yilan Class" will be a very unique and meaningful experience for you in your journey in Taiwan.

It's just the project in Yilan,, not the main Couchsurfers in Class project.

Sincerely yours,
Couchsurfers in Yilan Class
Inicia la sessió a Google per desar el teu progrés. Més informació
Dmytriy and Selina with Kuo-Hua junior high school students.
How shall we call you *
Full name *
Gender *
Occupation *
Nationality *
Email *
Couchsurfing profile (if you have one), Facebook account, or other links for us to know more about you
(e.g. please copy the link and paste it below)
Basic Self-introduction
(Your past or current job, the project you're working on, your interests, your goal...)
Amazing experiences that you want to mention
Dates and cities of your visit in Yilan
(The  days you can  share with students)
What do you want to share with the students
(Your country and culture, your amazing experiences, your language and music, or some stories we all had when we're students. Don't worry if you're still not sure about what to share; we will discuss about it when we meet up.)
Anything else you want to say?
(Any suggestion? Also, let us know if you need any help.)
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