Feedback for Legacy Idol Project
We want to hear from YOU, Legalites!

None of the answers are required, but the more feedback you give, the more we'll be able to know what content you want from us!

Thank you so much for your support and taking the time to fill out our survey!

English + 日本語 OK ! ♡ (Sorry we don't have a JP translation ><;;)

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What's your name/Discord handle?
This is totally optional! You can leave an anonymous response and skip this question if you'd prefer.
What part of being a Legalite do you enjoy the most?
Feel free to mark as many as you'd like! ;)
Did you participate in the Legacy Summer Cafe Event 2020? (Playing the gacha, reading the stories, etc.)
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If yes, how much did you enjoy the event on a scale of 1-10?
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If yes, did you have a particular favorite part of the event?
If no, was there a particular reason you weren't interested in the event?
What kind of events or content would you like to see more of from Legacy?
Feel free to choose as many as you'd like!
If you marked "Physical Merchandise," can you let us know what kind of merchandise you're interested in and would purchase if made available?
If we ran a Patreon, what kind of membership would you prefer?
Mark the top (2) that interests you!
Is there anything you'd like to see approached differently from Legacy Idol Project? If so, please let us know!
If there's anything else you'd like to express or let us know, feel free to leave it here!
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