Mr. Tim's Class, Week 11
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Watch this video of this week's Mass readings and then answer the questions.
1. Being baptized in the Holy Spirit is a wonderful thing because the Holy Spirit is ... *
2. Let's accept God's gift of the Holy Spirit this Advent! With it we can love like God and become ...   *
Watch this video, then answer the questions.
3. Father John Burns says that on the list of things we have to do only one of them has eternal importance and that is to seek holiness, to seek the .... , and to bring that truth into everything else that we do. *
4. How are we like the people of Israel? *
5. So part of our preparation is just like Israel. Insofar that we have to ... *
6. When we cry out to God we admit that we are ... *
7. As we pray with Fr. Burns tell me one thing we ask St Joseph to do for us? *
8. As we pray with Fr. Burns tell me one thing we ask Mary to do for us? *
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