2024-25 Aeros Audition Questionnaire
We are so glad that you are interested in joining the Aeros for our 2024 - 2025 season!
Please fill out this form as a part of the audition process, whether you are participating in-person or virtual. *Due by Aug 9th*
Email *
Student's First & Last Name - along with any preferred nicknames and/or pronouns *
Student's Birthday *
List any/all parent/guardian contact emails for the student:
List any/all parent/guardian's contact phone number(s)
(Please include full names & numbers)
How long have you been training aerial arts? *
What apparatus are you most comfortable working on?
(You can select all that apply!)
Tell us about your dance, acrobatic, and/or tumbling experience: *
Do you have previous performance experience? Please elaborate! *
What are some personal goals you'd like to set relative to aerial arts, performance, movement training, etc. In other words, why do you want to be a part of the Aeros training company?  *
At this point, do you foresee any conflicts with any of the following dates?
(Click all that *might have a conflict*)
What animal best reflects your personality? :) *
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