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2024-25 Aeros Audition Questionnaire
We are so glad that you are interested in joining the Aeros for our 2024 - 2025 season!
Please fill out this form as a part of the audition process, whether you are participating in-person or virtual. *Due by Aug 9th*
* Indicates required question
Your email
Student's First & Last Name - along with any preferred nicknames and/or pronouns
Your answer
Student's Birthday
Your answer
List any/all parent/guardian contact emails for the student:
Your answer
List any/all parent/guardian's contact phone number(s)
(Please include full names & numbers)
Your answer
How long have you been training aerial arts?
Your answer
What apparatus are you most comfortable working on?
(You can select all that apply!)
Tell us about your dance, acrobatic, and/or tumbling experience:
Your answer
Do you have previous performance experience? Please elaborate!
Your answer
What are some personal goals you'd like to set relative to aerial arts, performance, movement training, etc. In other words, why do you want to be a part of the Aeros training company?
Your answer
At this point, do you foresee any conflicts with any of the following dates?
(Click all that *might have a conflict*)
December 21, 2024
April 11-13, 2025
June 7-8, 2025
No conflicts at this point
What animal best reflects your personality? :)
Your answer
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