Graduate Data Science and Analytics Open House
Please register below to let us know you will attend on Sept. 21.
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Program(s) of Interest
(Select all that apply)
Note: The University of Delaware may have photographers at this event.

By attending this event, you grant the University of Delaware permission to publish or display images of you. The images may be used in promotional materials and other publications.

To Opt Out, please check the box below. You may contact the Graduate College with any questions or concerns.

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How did you hear about this event?  *
If you are a student, what school are you currently enrolled in?
(If you are not a student, please write N/A in the space below)
If you are employed, what is the name of your employer? 
(If you are not employed, please write N/A in the space below)
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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