North Hampshire Road Club TT Sign up Form 2022
This is for signing up for our Club TT's
Please fill in all details
Registration closes 6pm the night before a race.
Priority will be given to NHRC members.
In event of a full field entry for non NHRC members will be on a first come first served basis.
You will be contacted no earlier than 24 hours before event with your start number & time.
In the event the race is cancelled you will receive a refund.
Any problems please contact me at

The email address you provide I will use to send to your start time/ Number
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Электронная почта *
Name *
First and Surname
Address *
Age *
Emergency contact number (not your no.) *
Club Name *
Date of event *
YOUR Fastest time from last 3 years or an ETA if you never raced before. NOT COURSE RECORDS *
example 00:29:30
Please pay the sum of £4 club or £5 non-club members to the above address.
Обязательный вопрос
I Agree to comply with the following rules *
Failure to comply with the rules will mean a DNF / Disqualification or no race.
Accept / Agree
I must have working Front and rear light fitted to bike and I Must wear an approved helmet while racing. No lights or Helmet no ride
Competitors should not attend if they feel ill in ANY way, if family members have any COVID19 symptoms or if they have been told to self-isolate.
Breakdowns- we strongly recommend you carry means of repair or mobile phone as NO recovery or help is available during or after the event from the organiser or helpers
"I understand that the event will be held under the Rules and Regulations of Cycling Time Trials as shown in the current Handbook and I confirm that I am conversant with such Rules and Regulations and undertake to abide by them and to participate in the Drug Testing Programme whenever required to do so. I further declare that I am at present not under suspension by Cycling Time Trials or any organisation with which Cycling Time Trials has an agreement or (if so) such suspension will have expired by the date of the event. I agree to accept the decision of the promoter in all the matters concerning the event and my participation in it subject to such rights of appeal or review as may be provided for in the Rules and Regulations of Cycling Time Trials. I understand that the event is held wholly or in part on public or private property or the public highway and that I participate therein entirely at my own risk and that no liability whatever shall attach to the promoter, promoting club or any officials of the event, Cycling Time Trials or any club affiliated thereto or any member of such club for any injury loss or damage suffered by me in or by reason of the event however caused.
As an entrant to this event your information may be shared on the event or promoting club website, social media pages or in emails sent by or on behalf of the promoting club. This data will only be shared in relation to your participation in the event, e.g. the list of entrants, results or event reports. This data will be limited to your name, gender, age or age category, the name of the affiliated club or team of which you are a member and your finishing time and/or position. "
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