2022-23 Bioengineering Electives - Hourly TA and Grader Application
This form is for gathering hourly TA and Grader applications in the Bioengineering Department. The undergraduate TA and graduate grader positions are nearly identical. Both allow the assistant to work an average of 10 hours/week through the quarter (110 hours total), with no more than 20 hours in any one week. Pay is based on the hours worked, and these positions do not cover tuition.

A given course will accept applications for undergraduates, graduates, or both, depending on the necessary experience level and the nature of the course. A list of courses, available positions, and instructor contact information is available via this link: https://tinyurl.com/39a2p54m
If you have questions about an individual course, please contact the instructor; if you have questions about the application process in general, please contact Chris Neils, cmneils@uw.edu.

Please note the following:
(1)  There is always a small chance that a given course will be rescheduled or not offered. Positions that are offered and accepted will be honored, but until that time the listed positions are tentative and represent the department's best prediction at this time.
(2) We encourage you to apply for as many positions as match your qualifications, but this form is set up to allow you to apply for only one position per submission. To apply for multiple courses you will need to submit multiple applications. This format helps us track the applications, and we appreciate your patience.  

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Email *
Name *
UW Email *
UW Student ID Number *
Are you an international student? *
Will you be a Bioengineering student during the quarter for which you are applying? *
If you answered "No" to the previous question, please indicate which department you are in. If you are a Bioengineering student, put n/a. *
What type of student will you be in the quarter for which you are applying to be a TA or grader? *
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