Artist Alley and Exhibitor Booth Order Form

By ordering booth(s), you are automatically agreeing to the list of terms and conditions.

  1. DEALERS MAY NOT USE ANYTHING THAT WILL DAMAGE THE ARENA WALLS TO MOUNT THEIR DISPLAYS. Exhibitor will be held responsible for any costs resulting from damages to wall if they happen.
  2. Artist/Dealer's exhibits/tables may not intrude in the aisles in front of or to the side of the dealer's tables. Walkway space needs to be maintained in accordance with the rules of the Mohegan Sun Fire Marshal.
  3. All Exhibitors must be packed up and all products and materials owned by said dealer must be entirely removed from the convention space by 8:00 PM EST on Sunday. 
  4. All artists/vendors/exhibitors assume entire responsibility and hereby agrees to protect, indemnify, defend and save the CTGAMERCON (Big Fedora Marketing, LLC.) and the MOHEGAN SUN and all their employees and agents harmless against all claims, losses and damages to person or property, governmental charges and or fines and attorney fees arising out of or caused by exhibitor’s installation, removal, occupancy or use of the exhibition premises or any part thereof. 
  5. Exhibitors agree to hold harmless the CTGAMERCON and any of its production partners from loss or damage of merchandise or injury sustained during attendance at its events. 
  6. CTGAMERCON takes no responsibility for items lost or stolen: it is up to vendors to carry insurance for their goods. Please keep in mind that this is a Family Event. Absolutely no nudity or pornographic material may be sold or displayed at this event. Sale of weapons is strictly prohibited. 
  7. TAXES: Exhibitor understands that the State of Connecticut Dept. of Revenue Service requires that you pay taxes to the state on all of your sales within the State of CT. 

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only available for artist (illustrations, paintings, prints, etc)

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10' X 10' CORNER  (SOLD OUT)
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