2023 Intermediate 4-H'er of the Year Application
This application is for Edgecombe County 4-H'ers ages 11-13 (as of Jan. 1, 2023).
The application can be filled out by the 4-H member or a volunteer leader.
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Name *
4-H Age for Award Year (2023)
4-H Club Name
Number of Years in 4-H
In a brief paragraph, please explain why you feel that you would be the best candidate for this award.
Please indicate what activities you have been involved with during the 2023 year. Also specify what level the activities were (L=local, C=county, D=district, S=state, N=national).
Example: Presentation at County Activity Day (C) and District Activity Day (D)
Optional: Please email up to 5 photos to show your involvement in the 4-H Program: Tanya_Heath@ncsu.edu
Signature of Applicant/Nominator *
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