Gracemade Customer Questionnaire
We are so grateful to have you as a customer and are constantly thinking up ways to better serve you. Help us improve our business by taking the questionnaire below.
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Email *
City/State? *
How long have you been a Gracemade customer? *
How did you discover Gracemade? *
How often do you visit our online store? *
Do you visit the store based on a promotion or sale? *
Where did you purchase your Gracemade? *
Which Gracemade piece(s) have you purchased? *
How satisfied were you with your purchase(s)? *
Not Very Satisfied
Very Satisfied
 How satisfied are you with the pricing of the products? *
Not Very Satisfied
Very Satisfied
 What is the ideal price for the piece(s) you purchased? *
What places do you wear your Gracemade most? *
Which features of your piece(s) is most valuable to you? *
How can we make the item(s) you purchased better? *
When was the last time you purchased from Gracemade? Why haven't you purchased since then? *
Based on your experience, would you shop at Gracemade again? *
What suggestions do you have for improving the shopping experience? *
How likely are you to recommend Gracemade to others? *
Not Very Likely
Very Likely
Which Gracemade value do you appreciate the most? *
What items would you like to see in our product line? *
What do you like the most about our product? *
What do you like the least about our product? *
Would you be interested in a Gracemade subscription service?
 A subscription service is a monthly box of clothing, perfectly curated for your body type and personal style, to be delivered to your door. Send back what you don't want - keep what you do.
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