Feed the Hungry
Sign up to serve on November 14th.
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Personal Information
Your information will only be used for Feed the Hungry.
Name *
Phone *
Event Information
What session(s) would you like to sign up for? *
This limits your choice to only one time slot, so if you are choosing to register for more than one hour, please choose the "donation only" time slot, THEN in the Private Comments section below, put which time slots you are choosing and how many people for each time slot. Our administrative team will edit your record to reflect the multiple time slots. The money goes directly to paying for meals along with our sponsors' donations. We need to raise $12,000 to be able to provide 50,000 meals!
Wajib diisi
Please list the names and ages of all people you are registering (for adults, you may write 'adult' instead of their age).
If you are registering a group and don't know the names of everyone in your group yet, you may put the Team/Group Leader Name. This will help us during the check-in process. Answers are only visible by the organizer
Are you volunteering to be a Table Leader?
If you are registering a group or signing up as an individual, would you be willing to be a table leader? Table leaders are responsible for helping their table stay on track during the packaging. (It's not very difficult!)
Batalkan pilihan
Would you like to be placed at a certain table?
If you would like to be in a specific group or with specific people, please let us know. Answers are only visible by the organizer
Private Comment (Please Include Name)
Please let us know if you have any comments to pass on to Feed the Hungry Admin Team. Answers are only visible by the organizer
Kosongkan formulir
Jangan pernah mengirimkan sandi melalui Google Formulir.
Konten ini tidak dibuat atau didukung oleh Google. Laporkan Penyalahgunaan - Persyaratan Layanan - Kebijakan Privasi