Junior Summer Camp Scholarship Application
Thank you for considering participating in our residential Junior Summer Camp from 11th - 17th August 2023 at UWC Atlantic College, South Wales on our scholarship programme. 

We have a rolling deadline, so please apply as soon as possible.

Please note that every child must be dropped off at the college by a legal guardian or nominated representative between 3pm - 5pm on Sunday 11th August and collected between 9am - 11am on Saturday 17th August 2023.

You must also be either 14, 15, 16 or 17 years old for the duration of the course. We require you to provide proof of age for this course with a passport or ID card. 

We want to encourage those that are passionate about lifesaving and further study or a career in the emergency services. The course is intense, and covers search and rescue at sea, emergency first aid, psychological first aid, boat servicing and maintenance and nautical studies. You should be prepared for a full-on 5 days of learning, but most importantly meeting like-minded people and working together to help other people in their time of need. 

Fees for this course are £1100. This covers accommodation for 6 nights, food for the duration of your stay and all the training and equipment for the course. The fee does not include travel to and from UWC Atlantic in South Wales. 

We do have two types of Scholarships available for those unable to pay full fee:
- 50% Scholarship (paying £550) available to anyone unable to cover the full price of the course. 
- 80% Scholarship (paying £220) for Newham / Tower Hamlets / Greenwich Residents only.
We do not undertake means testing for scholarships and we ask for you to consider whether you do need a scholarship as they are limited. 

The application has several sections:
1) Personal details
2) About you
3) Parent / guardian information (to be completed by your parent/guardian)
4) Medical/additional needs (to be completed by your parent/guardian)
5) Fees and Scholarship requests
6) Contact details of an adult who we may contact for a character reference.
7) How did you hear about us?

All information provided is confidential.
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