Private Online Hair Training Class Form 
Get the help and understanding to grow and maintain the health of your Black Child's hair with visual online training. All information is kept confidential and is only used to provide you with the best advice for your child's hair care needs. After you submit this form, Ms. Angela will contact you to confirm your appointment date and time. Please be prepared to take notes and share what hair products you are currently using on your child's hair.
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Name of Foster or Adoption Organization *
Case Manager's Name *
Voucher Number from Organization *
Your Name *
Phone Number *
Email *
What days and times (Monday-Saturday), are you available for a training class? Please indicate your  (Time Zone).  *
Sex of Your Child *
Child's Age *
Is your child active in sports or workout regularly? *
What is your child's hair type? *
Describe any challenges or questions you may have related to their hair?

{I understand that Ms. Angela of Majesty Hair Care LLC is providing a private hair training class to help me with my Black child's hair care problems. However, I will not hold Ms. Angela or Majesty Hair Care LLC responsible for any physical, emotional, and/or financial damages incurred due to this training class. I understand that Ms. Angela cannot advise on medication for my hair care and that I will seek the guidance of my primary care physician if I have questions. }

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