Jessie's Instructor Feedback Survey
Please help us improve Positive Spin by giving us feedback on our instructors! You can include your name, or respond anonymously. It will help us all learn and grow as instructors, and will help all our students have the best experience possible.

The responses will not be shared with instructors directly, but instead compiled and shared more thematically in their end of year one on ones.

This survey is specifically about classes you have taken with Jessie
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About how many classes have you taken with Jessie this year?
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I have enjoyed classes with Jessie
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I have learned a lot in my classes with Jessie
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Jessie is invested in my progress as a dancer
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Jessie cares about me as a person
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What do you consider to be Jessie's strengths as a teacher?
What are some ways Jessie could improve your experience in class?
Is there anything not yet being covered in classes that you want to work on?
Other comments, requests, suggestions, or constructive criticism?
Name (optional)
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