WMS 2022-2023 Needs Assessment
Please complete this form to help the Counseling Department determine the types of programs we will offer this year. This is an anonymous survey, please  feel welcome to answer honestly.
**Students please answer the questions about your own needs.**
***Parents/Teachers answer the questions based on what you perceive as your child's /student´s needs.***
Log in bij Google om je voortgang op te slaan. Meer informatie
I am a... *
Grade level *
Selectie wissen
I need help making friends *
I have thoughts about hurting myself *
I want to learn more about goal setting *
I need help dealing with peer pressure *
I need help fitting in at school *
I need help with expressing myself to other people *
I need help getting involved in school activities *
I need help with dating or relationship issues *
I have concerns about alcohol and/or drug use *
I need help improving my self-confidence *
I need help feeling better about myself *
I need help handling teasing or being bullied *
I need help getting along with other students *
I need help getting along with family members *
I have trouble disconnecting from my phone *
I have feelings of sadness/depression *
I have thoughts of suicide *
I am grieving (sad, angry, lonely) over the loss of a loved one *
I need help dealing with the divorce or separation of my parents *
I need help controlling my anger *
I need help dealing with stress *
 I need skills for resolving conflicts *
I need help with anxiety *
I need to be more organized *
I need to manage my time better *
I need to improve my study skills *
I feel very nervous when I take tests *
I understand how my test scores are connected to academic and career planning *
I want to understand my learning style to improve how I learn *
My counselor is available to me when I need to see her *
I feel comfortable going to see my counselor to get help *
I like coming to school *
Other things I want help with/would like to see offered by the counseling department this year
Formulier wissen
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Dit formulier is gemaakt in Humble ISD. Misbruik rapporteren