Call to Protect Human Rights, Uphold International Law, and Bring About Justice between Israel and the Palestinian People

We have watched with horror:  

* as Israeli civilians were indiscriminately attacked, killed, and captured by Hamas militants in response to the Israeli military occupation, settler colonialism, the blockade of Gaza, and ethnic cleansing in the occupied territories – all in violation of international law; 

* as the killing and abduction of Israeli civilians by Hamas militants is being turned into a justification for the collective punishment and mass killing of Palestinian civilians in Gaza by Israel and by its financial and military backers; 

* as Israel has blockaded 2.3 million Palestinian civilians in Gaza from receiving food, medicines, water and electricity, and from freedom of movement in and out; 

* as war crimes and crimes against humanity are conducted before our very eyes; and 

* as the United Nations Security Council is unable to take even the minimal step of calling for a cease-fire, let alone the needed steps to stop the violence, because it is structured to allow individual nuclear powers such as the United States a unilateral veto over decisions.

We believe that the only way to halt this cycle of violence and dehumanization is to end the occupation.

We deplore all attacks on and bombings of civilians and civil institutions, including hospitals, schools, religious places, festivals and residential neighborhoods.

We stand in solidarity with the innocent Palestinian civilians who are calling for their right to live in safety, dignity, and self-determination.

We refuse the forced transfer of Palestinians to other countries, which would be yet another step in an irreversible ethnic cleansing of Gaza.

We demand an end to the ethnic cleansing of Palestinian shepherds being carried out since 07 October 2023 by the settlers in the Jordan Valley; demand that these communities be allowed to return home with guarantees for their safety; and demand an immediate halt to the sweeping arrests of a thousand Palestinians in the West Bank, which amounts to collective punishment.

We, the undersigned individuals and organizations, hereby call for:

* an immediate cease-fire, followed by the immediate opening of the borders of Gaza and the immediate provision of all necessary food, water, medication, and fuel needed by the residents of Gaza; 

* the international community to ensure that humanitarian corridors with sufficient capacity are created immediately, including the reopening of the Kerem Shalom Crossing to allow the number of trucks needed to bring sufficient supplies into Gaza from Egypt;

* the immediate release of all Israeli civilians taken by the Hamas militants;

* the immediate release of all Palestinian political prisoners taken by the Israeli government over the years;

* an immediate end to all threats, plans, and implementation of a ground invasion into Gaza by the Israeli military;

* an end to the occupation of the Palestinian people and lands;

* a restructuring of the United Nations, removing the right to unilateral veto in the Security Council, especially in the case of a humanitarian cause, and giving the Member States the ability to instruct the Security Council to take certain steps following a majority vote of the General Assembly; and

* a change in the charter of the International Criminal Court to allow it to bring charges against war crimes and crimes against humanity regardless of whether the perpetrating states are parties to the ICC or not.

Issued on Sunday 22 October 2023 by the Board of Advisors and the Board of Directors of Initiative for Equality (IfE), a global network of organizations and individuals working towards social, economic and political equality around the world. 

See current signatures (updated daily): 


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