A.A. Gordon's Street Team and ARC Application

As a member of my ARC and Street Teams, you will receive monthly updates from my PA, Megan from Literary Inspired (please mark megan@literaryinspired.com as a safe sender to avoid your ARCs getting lost in spam). 

Megan will keep you informed about the latest happenings such as upcoming releases, monthly sales, and giveaways. Your participation will be rewarded with bookish treats, and you can choose how involved you wish to be -- there is no pressure at all! We will provide you with book graphics, toolkits, captions and all the necessary details to make sharing as easy as possible. 

A.A. Gordon | Paranormal Romance 

A.A. Gordon is a celebrated author in the realm of paranormal romance, known for her captivating tales that blend the mystical with the romantic. Her notable works include The Dowrra Series and the highly anticipated Heart of the Tithriall trilogy. Drawing inspiration from her rural Ontario upbringing and her academic background in history and English from Ryerson University, A.A. Gordon weaves rich, immersive narratives that captivate readers with their depth and allure.

Upcoming Release: 31 July 2024

Book 2: Bane of the Wild Hunt

The saga of Ornella continues as she braves the perilous politics of the Autumn Court and the Wild Hunt. With an evil encroaching upon the fey lands, alliances and courage are tested. This upcoming tale promises to deepen the enthralling narrative of love, loyalty, and the fight for survival.

Note: Full synopsis and tropes to be revealed soon.

Book 1 of the series is available FREE on Kindle Unlimited (see here). Alternatively, if you do not have Kindle Unlimited and have not read the first book, you can request a review copy of book 1 to prepare you for the ARC of book 2.

Book 1: Captive of the Wild Hunt

In the battle between Summer and Autumn, Ornella stands as a fierce protector, only to be ensnared by the Wild Hunt. As a captive, she is thrust into a world of stark contrasts and simmering tensions. Bound to a reluctant warden, she must forge unlikely alliances to confront a spreading evil that threatens all of feykind.

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Do you require a review copy of Book 1 (Captive of the Wild Hunt)
Book 1 of the series is available FREE on Kindle Unlimited. Alternatively, if you do not have Kindle Unlimited and have not read the first book, you can request a review copy of to prepare for the ARC.
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By agreeing to be part of A.A. Gordon' Street and ARC Teams, you are indicating your consent to receive ongoing updates, promotions, and book-related goodies from A.A. Gordon and her team. This includes, but is not limited to, information on upcoming releases, cover reveals, advanced reader copies, and promotional materials.

As a member of the Street and ARC Teams, you agree not to share, copy, or pirate any books or materials shared with you. You understand that all upcoming release information and cover reveals are to be kept confidential until the date stated in all communications.

By joining the Street and ARC Teams, you acknowledge and agree to abide by these terms and conditions. A.A. Gordon and her team reserve the right to remove any member from the the Street and ARC Teams who violates these terms or engages in any inappropriate or unethical behavior.

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