Call for College Ambassadors
This is an opportunity to become an ambassador and contribute to the progressive education while learn a lot from the process. Represent us in your college that you are affiliated to. We'll provide you with the launching pad and access to different ambassador exclusive sessions, workshops, training, and events. You'll also have an opportunity to build your network, professionalism, get exposure to practical working environment and the outside business world. Topping it all up, your event ideas and your creativity will be nurtured. You will be getting a certificate to showcase anywhere else you go and add to your portfolios.
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Your Name *
Email Address *
Name of your institution *
Your best contact number *
Which grade/level are you in? *
Why would you like to join TyroCity's ambassadorship? *
Explain or list out your reasons/ purpose for your application.
On what ways could you contribute? *
Write why should we select you as our ambassadors? Also list your strength and if you have any workable plans, ideas for the same.
Your Expectations from the ambassadorship *
What do you expect from TyroCIty during and after your ambassadorship?
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