The Cloud Gaming Championship (on Stadia Summer 2022) Participant Registration
Welcome back to the Cloud Gaming Championships (on Stadia)! We are back for the Summer 2022 edition! Week 1 starts July 18th!

Here is the Format:

--- 4 Week Long Qualifying Rounds - $100 (at least) in prizes each week ---

There will be 4 qualifying weeks with a single game competition each week. In each qualifying week, you can participate throughout the week at your leisure. The winner of each week's competition will be awarded $50 (via Google Play Credit or PayPal), with the runner up receiving $25.

In addition, the most entertaining submissions each week will receive $25.

To participate in each of the 4 qualifying weeks, live streaming is NOT required, but you MUST submit a full recording of your attempt.

--- Live  Finals - $500 Grand Prize, $250 Runner Up Prize ---

At the end of the four qualifying weeks, the top players (based on an average of the four weekly ranks) will be invited to participant in a live finals. The first place winner will take home $500 (via PayPal), with second place taking home $250.

--- Registration is Mandatory! ---

To be eligible to win and have your score counted for a given week's competition, you must have registered using this form by the end of the weekly competition. You only need to register once for the entire competition, but only scores obtained for weeks including or after your registration will count.

You will be asked to agree to the terms and conditions found here:

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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