Game Playtesting
This is a questionnaire for the playtesters of my Halloween Graveyard game.
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How many runs did you play? (approximately)
Only 1
More than 10
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For how long did you play the game?
< 5 minutes
> 1 hour
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Was it easy to understand the goal of the game?
Not at all
Clear as day
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Did you manage to win?
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Was the game easy to win?
How intuitive were the controls?
Very confusing
Straight forward
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What device did you play with?
Was the game fun?
Watching paint dry
Better than sex
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How appealing were the game's visuals?
Looks like ass
Gorgeous 😍
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How appealing was the game's audio?
My ears bleed
Legendary soundtrack
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Any gamebreaking bugs?
What did you like?
What aspects of the game were cool / original / interesting / nice ?
What did you dislike?
Tell me what sucked and has to be fixed in order to be a (somewhat) good game
Other feedback
Suggest future improvements, share ideas, describe bugs, anything!
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