Quiz on Current Economic Affairs
This paper contains 15 questions.

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# Lockdown can't lock our aspirations.
@chandan kumar dwivedi
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1. Which of the following is not a current rate of GST?
1 point
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2. Which of the following items is not outside the purview of GST?
1 point
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3. Allahabad Bank is merged with:
1 point
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4. Which Indian Bank  has ranking in global top 100 banks:
1 point
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5. What is HDI ranking of India in 2019?
1 point
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6. Which of the following is not an indirect tax?
1 point
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7.  Up to which annual income there is no income tax:
1 point
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8. What is the present base year for calculating Real GDP of India?
1 point
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9. What is the new reverse repo rate according to the Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Report?
1 point
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10. Who is the chairman of 15th Finance Commission:
1 point
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11. India has been ranked at which position in the 2019 Ease of Doing Business rankings?
1 point
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12. Who is currently Managing Director of IMF?
1 point
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13. The next census of India will be held in the year
1 point
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14. What is the new investment limit for micro units?
1 point
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15. Who is currently chief economic advisor of Govt. of India ?
1 point
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