Dental Hygiene Info

This semester I am able to see those who regularly go to the dentist (preferably ages 3-40 years old). I am able to work with less complex patients, but as time goes by, I will need a wide variety!  

We have screening appointments so we can figure out how best to care for you!  These appointments can take 1-2 hours (Children between 3-17 do not need to be screened).  After we evaluate your needs, we can sign you up for a cleaning appointment which includes: 

 X-rays, oral cancer screening, cleaning, personalized care plan, polishing, and fluoride treatment!

Fair warning: As we are students, the appointments do take longer than they would going to a regular dentist since we have every step checked by our dentists . They are typically 3 hour appointments and depending on the complexity, it could take multiple appointments (usually 2-3) to completely finish your cleaning!

There is a one time fee at your first appointment and no insurance is needed:

Ages 13+: $40

Under 13: $30

All appointments are at our clinic at Milwaukee Area Technical College downtown!

700 West Highland Avenue, Milwaukee, WI

H Building, Room H115

Please reach out to me if you have any questions and I will be in contact with you to schedule a screening! (414) 395-5155‬ - Lea 

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First and Last Name *
Gender *
Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY) *
(e.g. 1234 Main St, Milwaukee WI, 53202)
Phone Number and Email *
How frequently do you go to the dentist? *
Do you have availability Mondays 8am-12pm and Wednesdays 1pm-5pm?  *
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