Innocence Project of New Orleans Panel
PILS is collaborating with the Innocence Project of New Orleans (IPNO) to host a panel where you will hear from recently exonerated IPNO client, Raymond Flanks, who served 38 years in prison for a crime he did not commit and was freed November 17, 2022. Attendees will hear about his experiences and story of never giving up.  The panel also includes Jee Park, the Executive Director of IPNO, and Kirschelle McGowan, a supervising attorney and an adjunct at LSU Law. They will talk about IPNO's history and re-entry work with clients in their Unjust Punishment Project. 

More about the IPNO: The IPNO is an organization that frees innocent people sentenced to life in prison and those serving unjust sentences, recognizes the root causes of wrongful convictions and unjust sentences as systemic racism and inequities, works to expose and address these root causes by sharing their clients' stories, and support their clients living well and fully in the world after their release.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Madeline Meyer, PILS President, at

Date/Time/Place: Thursday, March 23rd at 12:40 p.m. in Room 108!!!
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