Season 5 ICASSTT®, LLC H.S. Tournament Entry form. Event 11 Fox Chain of Lakes 10/6/24. Maple Grove Boat Launch
Please fill out the information for this tournament. Every Angler must pay a ONE TIME $25 CASSTT Membership in order to compete in this season. The CASSTT® membership is part of the the angler's insurance that is required to acquire permits for Events. CASSTT Series Rules can be found at

After submission, at the end you will be given a Confirmation message with a link to pay through Square. Each boat is $60

If the tournament is full your payment link will read OUT OF STOCK. Your registration will count as a waitlist, waitlist is timestamped, make sure to submit registration. You will be contacted if you are in and you will be sent a payment link.

Refunds will be allowed on a case to case situation, many teams last year pulled out of Events because of weather and because they knew they wouldn't make the Clash Championships. This became a larger issue not only for waitlisted teams but also registered teams.

Due to legal and financial agreements, an Adult should be the only person submitting this form. If a student is found submitting this form you will be DENIED ENTRY and refused a REFUND.
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