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テーマキャンプ申請 / Theme camp registration
This is a form for theme camp organizers and artists who would like to reserve a spot at Burning Japan. Theme camp area is flat and spacey than solo camp area and each spot will face the main street, which will be active all the time.
Theme camps and art projects that needs to be registered are listed below.
This is for safety reasons and also for placement before the gate opening.
●Requesting reserved space larger than 3 meter x 3 meters (10 x 10 feet)
●Planning to use a generator.
●Including the use of fire and gas except for cooking and/or a camp fire on fire pit.
●Planning to burn the art or theme camp materials at the end.(
Wood only, screws and nails OK
All communication for Theme Camps & Arts will be done through the Burning Japan community (Discord).
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* Indicates required question
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Discord アカウント名 / Discord account name
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キャンプメンバーの規模,Number of camp members
リーダーのお名前, Name of leader
Your answer
テーマキャンプまたはアートの名前, Name of the theme camp or Art
Your answer
どんなキャンプまたはアートですか?どんな資材・機材を持ち込んで、どんなものを作ったり、参加者に提供したりする予定か分かる範囲で詳しく教えてください。 What are you planning for your theme camp or art? Please describe the activities as well as equipment and building materials you plan to bring in the location.
Your answer
どのくらいの広さが必要ですか?(テーマキャンプとしての出し物やアートのほか、自分たちのキャンプ場所も含める場合も明記してください。) How big of a space would you like to reserve? Also notify the size for your tents when you like to camp next to it.
Less than 10m x 10m
Over 10m x 10m
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音や火の演出など、別途申請や周辺キャンプとの調整の必要なものの持ち込みを予定していますか? Are you planning to bring in items and/or activities that require special arrangements and/or does it meet any of the criteria below? Please check any that apply.
サウンドシステムを使用したパフォーマンス / Music performance with PA sound system
音楽演奏(アコースティックライブ、太鼓などの生演奏)/ Music instruments for acoustic live performance, i.e. drums
高さ3mを超える構造物の設営 / A structure taller than 3 meters (10 feet)
発電機の利用(後半のファイヤー申請も回答ください)/ Generator and/or petrol ( Fire registration below required)
打ち上げ花火やファイヤーの演出、焚き火など(後半のファイヤー申請も回答ください)/ Fire works, flame effect, camp fire (Fire registration below required)
プロパンのガスボンベの使用(後半のファイヤー申請も回答ください)/ Propane gas tank (Fire registration below required)
特になし/ None of above
どうやって後片付けを完璧に仕上げる予定ですか?(あてはまるもの全てにチェック!) What is your Leave No Trace plan? Please check everything you plan to do.
しらみつぶしにゴミ拾いします / We will pick every single piece of trash out of place!
羽や紙吹雪、塗料などの散らかりやすい素材を使用しません / We are not using materials that are easy to break off and scatter, such as feathers, confetti and paint.
全て持ち込んだものは持って帰れるように手配しています / We plan to take everything home.
持ち帰れない粗大ゴミが出ます、近隣での処理方法を知りたいです / There is an object that may not fit in after it's build and we like to know a proper way of disposing and recycle.
何かテーマキャンプに関して聞いておきたい事がありますか? 事前搬入について相談がある場合もこちらに記入してください。 Is there anything you like to know about theme camps at Burning Japan? Please also fill out this section if you need to consult early entry.
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