Troop 437 2022 West Wind Klondike Derby
Outing: 2022 Klondike Derby

Where: Larter Memorial Field, 80 Groton Street, Dunstable Ma

Arrive:   8:00 am on Saturday February 5th
Depart:   Approximately 3:30 pm on Saturday February 5th

Cost: $10 for event registration
Sign-ups are due by Sunday, January 30th, 2021

Troop 437 is participating in the West Wind District Klondike Derby on February 5th. During the troop meetings in January the scouts will be preparing for this event by building sleds and collecting and organizing equipment to meet the challenges of the event.  This is a full day event and each patrol will need a good turnout in order to compete.

Patrols are under the guidance and leadership of their Patrol Leader or SPL. This is an event for the youth leader to put his leadership skills to a test.

Hot water and hot cocoa packets will be provided throughout the day in multiple locations. You will need to supply your own cup and spoon. Each Scout is asked to bring a can of soup (no cream soups) that can be combined to create a Hobo soup stew which will be available throughout the day at a central location. Each patrol should plan on cooking a hot lunch while traveling to the different stations.

Seasonally Appropriate Clothing Required:
* Warm insulated winter boots - no SNEAKERS
* Wool or wicking socks worn with an extra pair of socks carried
* Minimum 3 Layers of Clothing for top & bottom.  Suggested clothing includes a thermal wicking layer next to the body, an insulating layer such as fleece & finally an outside wind/waterproof layer. Please no cotton as it has no insulation value.  This means no jeans!
* Wool or fleece hat.
* Mittens or gloves with a spare pair

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Scout's Name(s) *
Name of Emergency Contact (not attending trip) *
Emergency Contact Telephone *
Relation to Scout *
Medications, allergies, dietary needs or other restrictions.   If none, so state. *
Will a Parent or other adult be attending? *
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