THE NEXUS | Sprint #2 Feedback
Player reviews for Sprint 2 of The Nexus
Enviar por e-mail *
Overall Game Visuals *
Really bad looking
Really good looking
Overall Game Atmosphere/Mood *
No immersion
Very immersive
Overall Game Polish *
Feels janky, lots of bugs
Super smooth
Overall Game Difficulty Level *
In terms of the art, what is ready as a final product, and what would you like to see improved (and give suggestions on what you think might help) *
What are your favourite and least favourite things in general about your experience with our game so far? (Especially regarding level designs, combat/gameplay balance, movement, etc.) *
What would you like to have seen more of? (Much more is already planned for Sprint #3!- especially audio and level content) *
Did you encounter any bugs? If so, please let us know so we can look into them.
Was it enjoyable overall? *
Not really
Yes it was very fun!
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