CBST Group Tours
Thank you for your interest in bringing a group to CBST!  We are so happy to have you visit our synagogue and would love an opportunity to give you an informative and structured tour of our facilities. Tours can be 20-30 minutes or up to 60 minutes including a longer discussion. Please take a moment to complete this form and let us know of your needs. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact

Note that all onsite programming is subject to additional review by internal staff and the CBST medical team, and must adhere to the CBST guidelines for in-person programming, which can be found here:

While we do not charge for tours, we do encourage organizations to make a contribution at your discretion. You can make a contribution here
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Email *
Your Organization's Name *
Your Organization's Website
If applicable, please list your organization's website.
Primary Contact Name *
Primary Contact Phone Number *
Requested Date of Your Visit *
Requested Time of Your Visit *
Are you flexible on date and time? *
If so, please list any other times that could work for you.
How many people are in your group? *
Does your group have any accessibility needs? *
If so, please list any and all accessibility needs below.
Will your group be joining us for services? *
The core of CBST's religious life is our weekly Kabbalat Shabbat service, combining traditional liturgy with progressive values, politics, spirituality, reflection and magnificent music. Scheduled every Friday evening throughout the year at 6:30pm. Let us know if your group will be joining us the week of your visit for Friday night services.
Is your group interested in joining CBST's monthly visit to the Islamic Center at NYU to welcome people to afternoon prayers? *
Our monthly visit to welcome Muslim worshippers for Friday mid-day Jummah services at NYU. We arrive at 12:45pm and stay until ~2:30pm. We have a group banner and provide individual signs. A clergy member or rabbinical intern always accompanies the group of CBST member volunteers that attend. For more info:
Please let us know something about your group and why you are interested in CBST? *
Does your group have any topics you would like to be discussed at your visit? *
Please use this space for any questions, comments, or further info. *
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