Musicality Butt-Kicking Focus Group Application
Interested in getting personal coaching on your Musicality for ONE focused month with a small group of Momies with the same goals? Apply here.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Full Name *
Location (City, Country) *
Have you participated in a Focus Group or Task Track before? *
Have you completed Module 4 of the DDP or are completing it now in time to be done before August? *
What Musicality themes have you worked on?
Select all that apply
What is your WSDC level?
How long have you been dancing?
How many private lessons do you take?
What is your dance background?
List all styles you have trained in and to what level. EX: WCS 4 years, Tango 3 Years, etc
What is your non-dance profession/area of expertise?
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