13th Annual Watershed Wide Event!
Tryon Creek Watershed Council's 13th Annual Watershed Wide Event
9am-12pm, Saturday March 12, 2022

Join us in supporting the unique urban Tryon Creek watershed by volunteering with us to remove invasive plant species and plant native plants. This year will look different with continued COVID-19 precautions, as we’ll be working in smaller groups and meeting directly at the work site; this event is still expected to be TCWC’s largest annual volunteer restoration opportunity for watershed stewards like you!

Work party sites
(more information will be sent closer to the date):
- Flexible volunteers are *super* helpful! We love to be able to make similar impacts across all sites.
- Tryon Creek State Natural Area
- Marshall Park
- Jackson Middle School
- Boonesferry Terrace HOA Greenspace
- Lake Oswego United Church of Christ
- Lake Oswego High School (10:30am-1pm, LOHS students)
- Lewis & Clark College (L&C students: Use GivePulse link via CSCCI! https://givepul.se/qa818a)

Volunteer notes:
- As usual, dress in layers for the weather (hats, close-toed shoes you can get muddy, etc.) and bring your own, full water bottle and snacks.
- We will email you a waiver that can be returned electronically in advance; some sites may require additional in-person waivers to be signed.
- COVID-19: Volunteers will be required to wear masks throughout the event and we will all practice physical distancing.  Gloves and tools will be provided as needed, but please bring your own if you are able (tools will depend per site – we’ll email you details).

Thank you!! We are always excited for this event and can't wait to make a positive on-the-ground impact together!
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Tell us your name! First Name: *
Tell us your name! Last Name: *
How many people are you signing up for? (include yourself) *
Are you signing up for only adults, or youth too? *
At which site would you like to volunteer? Details/confirmation are still in progress for several sites. Thank you in advance for your flexibility and expect to hear from us! *
Due to group registration and limited on-site capacity for volunteers, spaces may fill up at your first choice of site. If that happens, what would you prefer? *
COVID-19 safety precautions: Volunteers will be required to wear masks throughout the event (except for momentarily, when drinking or eating) and to keep 6 feet physical distance. Volunteers are encouraged to bring their own gloves, hand sanitizer, water and snacks (gloves, tools, hand sanitizer, & face coverings will be provided as needed). *
To help us figure out where to allocate supplies, please indicate whether you are able to bring your own... (check all that apply)
Anything else you'd like us to know?
How did you hear about this volunteer event?
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