Thank you for taking the time to fill out this form for us! 
We are excited at the idea that we could offer a variety of adults classes through out the week if there is strong interest and commitment!
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Email *
Student Name  *
Do you/have you taken current adult morning classes at Thrive? *
What mornings would you be prefer to have classes? *Check all that apply *
Approximately how many days would you come per week if we offered classes M-F mornings? *
What type of class is your top favourite?  *
Would you take multiple classes in a row on the same day? yes/no
* Tell us what classes that would be to make sense for you to choose
What is stopping/hindering you from registering/dropping in currently? (If applicable)
On a larger scale, can you please describe what the most ideal schedule looks like for you? 
What classes would you like to have offered to you? Would you take the same style class m-f? etc.
Please leave any other comments or suggestions here:
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