Advice Submission
Hello! Need some advice? Submit your conundrum for a chance to have it answered on No One Knows What They're Doing, a new show from AdviceWithErin. 

Example submission:

Selena G.*
Dallas, TX

"Dear Erin,

I am struggling. I want to be a supportive wife, but my husband has been trying to pursue a career he's not very good at and my patience is running out. 

My husband has been trying to be a graphic designer for 2 years. He took an online course and has designed some unofficial mockups for bands he likes. But he hasn't landed a job and honestly (I feel terrible saying this) I don't think he has what it takes to be a freelancer.  

I look at his work and honestly it's just ok. I would never, ever say this to him, but I know his work is not good enough to get a full time job. Maybe an internship, but he's 35!

I want him to do what he's passionate at. But I am also tired of waiting for him to "figure it out". I want him to find a job that he can be successful and and feel good about himself over. What could I recommend to him? His background is in bartending and high-end service. He wasn't passionate about it, hence, the pivot to graphic design work. Any advice?"

*note: if you'd prefer to remain anonymous, feel free to just write "anonymous" but please include your city + state for context!
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