क्विज़-366,विषय-अंग्रेजी, उच्च प्रा.वि.दहिला,त्रिवेदीगंज, बाराबंकी
संपादन-हेमन्त कुमार(स.अ.)
मिशन एजुकेशनल जस्टिस!..(M.E.J.)

नोट-प्रश्नों को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़कर ही उत्तर दें।

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Ques 1.Choose the correct word-
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Ques 2.Choose the name of national bird-
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Ques 3.Choose the antonyms of the 'Success'
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Ques 4.Choose the Rhyming word 'New'
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Ques 5.Tick the name of the 'Noun'
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Ques 6.Which one of these is 'proper noun'
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Ques 7.Which one of these is 'Masculine Gender'
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Ques 8.Which one of these is 'Feminine Gender'
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Ques 9.Which one of these is 'Singular Noun'
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Ques 10.Which one of these is 'Plural Noun'
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