Event RSVP
Thank you for filling out this short RSVP. Looking forward to seeing you. Please use one form per person.
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Name of event. Please indicate below *
Can you attend? *
Please give your full name *
Telephone number
How did you hear about this event? *
Do you have any allergies, special needs or special diet *
Would you like to hear about other events at Longhills Farmhouse? *
Please make your non refundable deposit of £100 by 20th August and final payment £99 by 28th August to this account: Sophia Nicholls, Sort Code - 07 01 16,  Acct number 44346752 for the NATURE NUTURE RETREAT *
What do you hope to gain from attending this Nature Nurture weekend? Tick as many as are relevant and add any other reasons.  *
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