Open Mic Call for Hosts Aug - Dec 2024
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In order to apply for these opportunities you will need to have read and understood the following:
Artist Name *
Are you a member of Manitoba Music? *
Please note: If selected for this opportunity, artists will be required to join Manitoba Music.
Primary Contact Name *
Email *
Please provide the names of group members who will be performing with you
Put N/A if you'll be performing solo
Please provide a brief description of your live show and stage set-up *
Please check all the dates that you're available to host
What are some recent notable developments in your career? *
E.g. media coverage, recording, music releases, online performances/festivals... point form is fine!
Do you have an experience hosting an open mic night or similar event? *
Link to where we can see your professional promo image and bio  *
# of monthly Spotify listeners
# of Instagram followers
# of Facebook followers
Link to Manitoba Music profile page *
Please be sure to update your Manitoba Music profile for current music (minimum two songs or videos), bio, high quality promo image, links to social media
Short artist/band bio (150 words max) *
By choosing "yes" you understand that  Manitoba Music will be using your provided bio information and images for promotion use on websites, press, social media and advertising should you be selected to perform. Bios may be adjusted for length when necessary. 
Manitoba Music is committed to equity, and strives for our programming to reflect the diversity of our society and our industry. To help in that work, we ask applicants to self-identify.  This information will be shared only with Manitoba Music staff and the adjudicating committee and will be stored in a secured system. Responses to the following are appreciated but not required.
I identify as...(select all that apply)
I identify as Indigenous. (Please use "Other" to identify your nation(s), region(s), homeland and/or settlement(s))
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I identify as...
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I identify as...
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My primary language is:
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Untitled Question
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