Session 5.5 Decision Point
Please watch the video below and answer the discussion question(s).  For this lesson, you can follow along on pages 136-139 in your Decision Point workbook.  This assignment is due on Saturday, December 17, 2022.
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Name *
Did you know that reading the Bible is one of the best ways to hear the voice of God? Get yourself a Bible and try to read it everyday—it will change your life.
What are the major voices influencing the direction of your life? *
When was the last time you accepted or rejected an invitation from God?  Give an example. *
Are you open to God's direction in your life?  Why or why not? *
What is one thing from this Session (5.0-5.5) that you would like to share with someone else? *
Do you have any unanswered questions about Session 5.5?
Please submit this lesson and go to Session 5 Crossword Puzzle
Don't forget to take some time and journal your thoughts on this lesson on p. 139
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