Church Planting Residency Interest form
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Full name *
First and last name
Email *
Phone number *
Birthdate *
Gender *
Address *
Current Church *
Highest completed level of Education and name of Educational Institution *
How did you learn about this residency program? *
Please describe your previous ministry experience including: your responsibilities, the number of people involved in the ministry & any significant growth (numeric or otherwise) that occurred under your leadership. *
Please describe your current ministry role including (if different from above answer): your responsibilities, the number of people involved in the ministry & any significant growth (numeric or otherwise) that has occurred under your leadership. * *
Tell us your experience in preaching, teaching or speaking in front of groups. *
How are you currently developing relationships and associating with unchurched and unsaved people? How have you attempted to share the gospel with them? Please share specific names & stories if available. *
Why do you believe you're called to plant? *
Where are you considering planting? Why there? * *
What 3 adjectives would you use to describe yourself? * *
What 5 books have influenced you the most outside the Bible? * *
What is your ideal timeline for planting? *
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