Vegetable Paper Order form (US) 

Vegetable Paper is a collection of 40 handmade papers created in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, from 2022 to 2023. It is a 4.5 x 6.5 inch, 86-page book including an index with all the names of the vegetables. 

The book is $25. If you need shipping, the shipping will cost $6. 

Contact @downy__22 or for more inquiries.

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Name *
Phone Number  *
(If you want the book shipped, please include your address.)
Quantity *

Venmo @JenniferShin22 the price and write your user name below.

If you are in Pittsburgh, you can pick up the books on CMU campus. If you want them shipped, please add the shipping fee($6) to the price when you Venmo. 

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Acest formular a fost creat în domeniul Carnegie Mellon University. Raportează un abuz