Par (10-11) Life Skills Knowledge Test B
IMPORTANT: This is a "closed-book" test and you must take it without any assistance! We recommend you study your digital yardage book and complete all assignments before taking the test, but it is not a requirement. Also, parents or family members can help you understand the wording of a question but may not help you find the answer. Thank you and good luck!
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When you are introducing yourself, you should smile, look the other person in the eye, and avoid any further conversation. *
1 point
If you do not know your playing partners name, you should introduce yourself and ask a close ended question. *
1 point
The "R" in A-L-R stands for Reflect and Respond. *
1 point
The 4 R's do not help PLAYers stay cool and calm on the golf course. *
1 point
"Be patient" is one of the three tips for learning with GRIT.
1 point
Recharging your battery, or body, by taking mental and physical breaks during play is a healthy thing to do.
1 point
Which of the following choices are ways to relax? (select all that apply) *
1 point
I can improve my energy level by... (select all that apply)
1 point
How can you tell if someone has GRIT? (select all that apply) *
1 point
Personal Par can be used to see how much you have improved from your past games/rounds.
1 point
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