so you want to be a moderator on r/industrialrevolution
you have to get a 60% or higher on this quiz in order to gain mod status on our beloved, active subreddit with a beautiful community that was totally never treated as an inside joke among friends. this will test your knowledge over everything you learned about the industrial revolution.
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Quiz Questions
what is the greatest sport of all time *
1 point
what's the best scene from mel gibson's hit 2000 film the patriot *
1 point
which film did mattia's dad see the most times in theaters *
1 point
true or false: did mattia adopt a black kid and name him off a confederate general *
1 point
here's a free point, *
1 point
what was mattia's favorite day *
1 point
how to teach kids about pirates *
1 point
does mattia care if you buy confederate playing cards *
1 point
who is mattia *
1 point
what type of content belongs in this subreddit *
1 point
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