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so you want to be a moderator on r/industrialrevolution
you have to get a 60% or higher on this quiz in order to gain mod status on our beloved, active subreddit with a beautiful community that was totally never treated as an inside joke among friends. this will test your knowledge over everything you learned about the industrial revolution.
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Quiz Questions
what is the greatest sport of all time
1 point
sports are for dummies
ultimate frisbee
soccer (futbol if you're some hack)
what's the best scene from mel gibson's hit 2000 film the patriot
1 point
the ending where mattia said people were cheering
burn that motherfuckin church
mel murders some brits in front of his kids
mel sits down on a chair and it breaks
which film did mattia's dad see the most times in theaters
1 point
gods and generals
true or false: did mattia adopt a black kid and name him off a confederate general
1 point
here's a free point,
1 point
what was mattia's favorite day
1 point
ad-visory... advisory, ad-visory... advisory, ad-visory... advisory, ad-visory... advisory, ad-visory... advisory,
club day so he could train Isaiah, his protege, in ultimate
how to teach kids about pirates
1 point
show them the second disk bonus features of pirates of the carribean
dress up as a pirate
does mattia care if you buy confederate playing cards
1 point
yes, you shouldn't have those, it could be offensive
not really, but if someone else saw those, they'd take them away from you
not at all, the south will rise again and shit
who is mattia
1 point
a middle school history teacher
a professional singer
a god at throwing disks
a man who isn't real, i just made him up and all of these answers are coming from my deprived mind to make you suffer for your mod position, u/lackerman456
what type of content belongs in this subreddit
1 point
an image that i already posted in r/pyrocynical
literally anything else
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